On November 6th, VLG celebrated the long-awaited opening celebration of the 3rd Floor and 5th Floor Activity Rooms whose renovations were generously donated by The Famèe Furlane Toronto Golf Classic Committee – Italo Di Bonaventura, Oretta Avoledo, Camilo Di Bonaventura, Giovanna De Rosa, Mara Mian, Alida Re and Mara Querin and GeriatRx Pharmacy – Randy Goodman and Fabio Berlingieri.
The Activity Rooms are the heart of each floor and mean so much to every resident. It is a space where the team hosts many recreation activities, residents spend time with each other and enjoy many celebrations.
Without the generosity of The Famèe Furlane Toronto Golf Classic and GeriatRx Pharmacy, the Activity Rooms would not look like they do today. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for making our residence a more comfortable and joyful place for those who call Villa Leonardo Gambin home.
The 3rd Floor Pictures are from the Famèe Furlane Golf Classic.

The 5th Floor are from GeriatRx Pharmacy.